Educational activities
In-school activities
A song a day (chanter au quotidien)
Vocal practice workshops _ primary level
Musicatreize CNAV offers a new approach to choral singing in schools: a twenty-minute session of singing every day, supervised by a professional instructor. Initiated in 2020 at the Saint-Mitre school in Marseille, the adventure is being continued in various schools in Marseille and the Southern Region.
In 2022, Musicatreize commissioned the composer Zad Moultaka to compose nine songs to be performed by the various Chanter au quotidien classes, notably on the occasion of a concert at the end of the year.
This artistic and cultural education project is being supported by the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation, the cités éducatives de Marseille, in partnership with the cognitive neuroscience laboratory of Aix-Marseille University, La Marelle and the Conservatoire intercommunal de la Provence verte.
Sing the icon (chanter l’icône)
Music by Michel Petrossian
Mediation_middle school level
Created in 2018 at the Petit Palais in Paris, Chanter l’icône by composer Michel Petrossian is a hybrid performance: concert/conference/multimedia projection.
Based on the icon “En Toi se réjouit” from the workshop of Franghias Kavertsas (Crete – between 1615 and 1648) this concert/lecture is divided into 7 parts: introduction (5 minutes, lecture and religious hymn) / unveiling (35 minutes – lecture, creation and video) / Chanter l’icône (20 minutes, complete musical work in concert version).
Besides the spiritual, the themes of the conference will be the five places referred to in the icon: Damascus, Crete, Jerusalem, Venice, Constantinople, the meeting between East and West and the symbolism of the colours used.
On the occasion of the programming of the concert version on November 26th, Musicatreize proposes two school sessions open to secondary school classes accompanied by an in-class mediation session with the composer Michel Petrossian.
Représentations scolaires : 25 novembre 2022
Information/registration with Elodie Hercouet: +33 4 91 00 91 31,
Concerto per fatiche
Creation project with Alessandrio Bosetti on the theme: The 12 Labours of Hercule
High school level
Musicatreize relies on the strengths of its current and future programming to initiate peripheral cultural activities.
For seasons 22/23 & 24, the Ensemble draws its inspiration from Greek and Roman mythology, in particular from the Labours of Hercules.
The subtitle of the new cycle initiated by Musicatreize is however particularly topical: “Twelve labours of Hercules or Twelve allegories for the planet…”.
With the help of the Italian composer Alessandro Bosetti, we are proposing that the students invent and compose a piece of music and a text related to one or more of the works that we have carried within us since time immemorial.
Three sections will involve groups of high school students:
Writing, composing, and creating electroacoustic textures (recordings, interviews, audio editing…). Finally, the performance will be entrusted to a class/choir during a concert accompanied by professional Musicatreize soloists.
Workshops: October 2022 to May 2023
Performance: during the weekend of the choirs of the Southern Region, May 13 & 14 at the Salle Musicatreize.
With classes from the Montgrand and Marseilleveyre high schools, in partnership with PassCulture.
Fish songs (le chant des poissons)
Choir creation project _middle school
Creation by Alexandros Markeas, for several school choirs.
School choirs
Musicatreize EnsembleDirecteur Roland Hayrabedian
The project is part of the national development programme for choral singing in secondary schools. A scientific, civic and artistic educational project in partnership with the Calanques National Park.
Artistic and cultural actions in partnership with the Académie Aix-Marseille and the Parc National des Calanques.
Information on +33 (0)4 91 00 91 31 or
Discovery tour
awareness-raising activities_primary, secondary and high schools
In the context of the programming of the Musicatreize Auditorium: rehearsals open to school groups, educational file and mediation around the programmed works, gatherings with the artists and the team.
Practical workshops
The Meridiem Borealis Choir
In 2022 Musicatreize CNAV is launching a new choir for music professionals in the South PACA region. The purpose of this ensemble is to allow everyone to interact with colleagues, to facilitate exchanges within the framework of a demanding and original musical practice. It is not common to see North-South notions reversed. But this is what this new choir, under the direction of Alain Joutard, is preparing to do. Thus named, Meridiem Borealis (“South-North” in Latin) wishes to link up with the network of the same name, a network made up of composers and performers who question the necessity of the act of creating and performing. How can the South, with its energy, its delicious flaws, be a revival of vocal polyphonic music?
Meridiem Borealis Choir is seeking choir members
Youth Choir
Explorer des horizons variés et passionnants, abordez différents styles et répertoires, vivre ensemble une aventure musicale et humaine !
Initié en 2021, le chœur des jeunes est dirigé par Marion Schürr et Gilles Schneider. Proposé sous forme de session les samedis et/ou pendant les vacances scolaires, le chœur des jeunes est ouvert à tous les jeunes de 16 à 30 ans et de tout niveau qui aiment chanter.
Priority voices (voix prioritaires)
Musicatreize, in partnership with “Culture du coeur”, continues its social approach to artistic creation and musical practice with the Voix prioritaire project.